Revenant Crisis: Cleaning Crew


I initially designed the mechanics and structure of the game in the summer of 2022 as my capstone project for Industrial Design, and I began it as my capstone for Graphic Design in January 2023. Revenant Crisis Cleaning Crew is a cooperative deckbuilding dungeon crawler. Effectively 1-4 players build up floors, work together to fight their way through those floors playing cards to defeat robots. They work towards a boss fight at the end. As players defeat enemies they’ll gain new cards that they can use to enhance their respective decks.

There are 4 unique characters: the ninja, engineer, elementalist, and beast tamer. Each has a unique deck of 15 cards that synergize as players work together. An additional player may take control of the enemies to play against the other players. Players build up floors and then proceed through them. Each time someone uses a card, it goes to their graveyard, and players may only reshuffle their graveyard into their deck once they reach a new floor. Upon gaining new cards for their decks, players have the choice of adding the cards straight in, or replacing cards.