Revenant Crisis: Cleaning Crew

Research and Process

I began by researching illustration styles, I needed something that would be able to be quickly and efficiently rendered. Professor Kathryn Anderson pointed me in the direction of artists and art movements that could potentially fit my requirements. I ultimately chose a limited color palette for each of the cards, with white black, and one color and screens. Each color representing a different character. For the art style I tried to remain very geometric, using straight lines and 45 degree angles where possible. Occasionally breaking that and using curves at points such as when focusing on more organic entities, or on the depictions of magic in the cards.

When it came down to the layout of the cards themselves, I originally began with a horizontal format, as all existing card games that I saw primarily used that format. Though they often relied on the use of heavy decoration to give the cards interest. Based on my time constraints, and the amount of cards, that was not an option. In attempting a horizonal format, I found the cards to be lacking in energy, so in moving away from a static horizontal, I decided to put everything onto an angle.